
Are you feeling overwhelmed?

Stress is not a mental health problem itself, it’s part of life and something that everyone feels at times.

It is normal – healthy even, because it’s a sign that your strong, magnificent brain is doing exactly what brains are meant to do – protect you.  It is our survival strategy to keep us safe when we feel threatened.

Plus, it’s essential to have a little stress in your life.  It’s what makes us get out of bed in the morning, it motivates us to do better and learn new things.  But are you finding it too much?

Interestingly, it is our perception of stress – added to actual stressful events – that predicts it’s impact on us.

It can affect your mood, your behaviour and your physical health; making you anxious and irritable, and can even affect your self-esteem.

How can Cognitive Hypnotherapy help?

We’ll discover what triggers you, so you can spot when you are becoming stressed.

I’ll give you tools to calm your immediate response to be able to deal with the pressures of life effectively.

This allows you to remain in control and regain perspective when you need it most.